Tel: 415.408.3500
Text: 415.729.3539
Fax: 415.408.3365
Pain Management and Rehabilitation
Qualified Medical Evaluation
EMG NCS Diagnostics
Contact us
Office Hours
Mon - Fri: 9am - 5pm
Our goal is to answer all calls as they are received however; there are times staff members are busy assisting other patients.
If your call goes to voicemail, please leave a clear message including your first name, last name, phone number, and the reason for your call.
Leaving a message ensures your call will be returned and addressed in a timely manner.
Messages are checked and responded to by the end of each day or earlier the following day.
Unfortunately, we are unable to return calls if messages are not left, incomplete or inaudible.
> I am a workers' compensation patient
If you are a workers compensation patient and would like to be seen by Dr. Kimelman as your primary treating physician, please call, text, or email our office and have the following ready.​
> Your first and last name
> Date of Birth
> Phone number
> Workers Compensation claim number
> Accepted body part(s) for your workers compensation claim
> Claims adjustor phone or fax number
> Attorney phone or fax number (if you have one)